Emmanuel Lutheran CHURCH

Emmanuel Lutheran Church,

250 South FM 1049

Knippa, Texas 78870



Pastor Nathan Lafrenz 830.)719.2082 nlafrenz11@att.net

God is Great! GO IN PEACE AND SERVE THE LORD YOU’RE ALWAYS WELCOME Sunday service worship 9:30 Bible study 10:45!
Start your Story with Jesus What is a Christian? How do I...? Stewardship

Start your story with Jesus – what He’s like, and what He wants from them.

 Have you ever wondered about God?

You’re not alone. Most everyone comes to a point in his life where they wonder about God-whether He exists, what He’s like, and what He wants from them.

 God created us to be with Him.

Our sins separate us from God.

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.

Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.


Just think, the God of the Universe longs for a personal relationship with you that’s available through Jesus’ work on the cross!  How can you enter into this amazing new relationship with God?

 By placing your trust in Jesus alone to pay the price for your sin and opening the doorway for you to receive the free gift of eternal life, you receive a life in Christ that starts now and lasts forever.

 You can start a new relationship with God Right Now! “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

 The Bible tells us that our hearts and souls are transformed when we put our trust in Jesus.  This decision to trust Christ launches you into a new relationship with God.  So, while saying a prayer isn’t what opens the door to this life-transforming relationship with God, a prayer is one way for you to express your new-found faith in Jesus.


You might pray something like this…

 “Dear God, I know that my sins have broken my relationship with you and that nothing I could do could ever change that. But right now, I believe that Jesus died in my place and rose again from the dead. I trust in Him to forgive me for my sins. Through faith in Him, I am entering an eternal relationship with you. Thank you for this free gift! Amen.”